Unable to perform yum update

I run RHEL 5.2 as a server in my lab. Now the issue I am facing is that I am unable to update my machine using yum update.
It shows an error of missing dependencies though dependencies are already installed.
Please help me to do that.
Error screen shot is also attached.

it would be helpful to see the output of yum repolist . You might have conflicting repositories.

Everything is EL - as supposed..
But how did that Fedora (Core 6 -- VERY VERY EOL -> F22 is out now) package come into that list?

Did you manualy modify one of your repos?

Since it directly takes updates from RHN so there are no repositories at all. In this situation what should I do?

here is the output of yum repolist all @agent.kgb

So, assuming that you are paying for RH to provide the updates, ask them.

I'm not being flippant, but I have had a few issues (some self-inflicted) and they are the best people to help you out.

Kind regards,

  1. Why do you try to call yum install if you already have the package? You must call yum update then.
  2. As sea already wrote, you have glib package from FC6 distribution and not from RHEL. You have to remove it or to change with original RHEL package.

Hmm, what is rpmforge.net?
The (to me known - semi-official) repo would have been rpmfusion.org.
They provide for (RH)EL rpm's as well.

Thanks for the quick reply. I tried doing whatever you have suggested unfortunately I was not able to remove fedora repositories from the system. I would be grateful to you if you can throw some more light on "How to remove this conflict of fedora core 6 repositories". I have also attached the output files of yum repolist and the error of yum update.

Thanks for the quick reply. I tried doing whatever you (agent.kgb ) have suggested, unfortunately I was not able to remove fedora repositories from the system. I would be grateful to you if you can throw some more light on "How to remove this conflict of fedora core 6 repositories". I also have attached the output files of yum repolist and the error of yum update.