Unable to install Redhat 5 on System p-510

Hii everyone,

I am trying to install RHEL5 on system p Power 5-510 series box through installable CD's. Machine boots from CD and I receive boot prompt without any issue. After this when i press "Enter" tab, it starts loading Kernel and throws below error:-

Also LED code i am receiving is BA080015. Can anyone shed some light on this.
Thanks in Advance.

I have only ever seen SUSE working in this way. But that is just me ...!


Code BA080015 is about media read error. Try by replacing the media.

Mayank Shah


Ya I found the same by googling. But now I am facing another problem. At boot prompt when I give linux text or linux askmethod it starts booting and hangs up and displays kernel panic.

LED display also throws below error:-

you can not install red hat on power 5 system.Suse Enterprise is the only supported Linux flavor.

Yes you can. I've done it. There is a ppc version of Redhat EL 3, 4 or 5.

redhat.com |
I stand corrected.thx