Unable to find exit status of piped command

Lois_Answer_Code=`sipsak -vv -s sip:|grep -A 1 "reply received after"|grep SIP|awk '{print $2}'`

How to find the exit status of


The exit status of any command can be extracted using "$?"

For eg:-

sipsak -vv -s sip:
echo $?


First i will run the below:

Then i need to find the exit status of the below portion of the above command:

sipsak -vv -s sip: && es=$? || es=$? | awk '/reply received after/ {getline; $0~/SIP/ {print $2}}'
echo $es

Not working. I need to save the output of the command in the variable Lois_Answer_Code as well

what not working ?

post the error or what you are getting ?

can you post the output of the below command

sipsak -vv -s sip:

And let us know, what string you want to extract

Want to extract 200 after the "reply received" line"

Lois_Answer_Code=$(sipsak -vv -s sip: | awk '/reply received after/ {getline; if($0~/SIP/){print $2}}')

And what about the exit status?

What shell are you using?

Newer Korn, and Bash, shells have pipefail:

$ ls blah 2>&1 | grep .
ls: blah: No such file or directory
$ echo $?

$ set -o pipefail
$ ls blah 2>&1 | grep .
ls: blah: No such file or directory
$ echo $?

$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[@]}  # BASH - show the exit status of all commands in the pipeline
2 0

You could run it in a subshell and store the exit status in a file until it's needed.

Lois_Answer_Code=$((sipsak -vv -s sip:; echo $? > status) | grep ... )
sipssak_exit_status=$(cat status)
