Unable to create or delete a directory in /usr with root user

Hi All,

I am trying to uninstall jdk 1.5 from my Solaris 10 64 bit but some how was not successful.so tried to delete the folder of jdk from /usr but its throughing error as:

Unable to remove directory jdk: Read-only file system

Even I tried to create a dir in /usr but its not allowing me to do sogetting below error:

mkdir: Failed to make directory "temp"; Read-only file system

I am doing these things with a root user

Any help appreciated.

check here...

are you root user ?

How to Fix ?Read-only file system? Error in Linux? | LinuxInsight

yes I am root user.

It is not an NFS mount or a directory set in Automounter? /home is a typical example of this.

I bet you are in a sparse zone. If thats the case, then these filesystems are readonly in the zone:

  • /lib
  • /platform
  • /sbin
  • /usr

If you have to make changes to these directories then you have to do it in the global zone.

To verify that you are in a non-global zone, type


If it prints something different than "global", you are in a zone.