Unable to create logfile with local time stamp using perl

Hello All,


I am facing problem with my code while creating a log with name as current time stamp using perl. Here is the code.

my $time=localtime;
my ($day,$month,$date,$tm,$year)=split(/ /,$time);
my $stamp=$year."_".$month."_".$date;
my $logdir="SAP_IN_".$stamp;
my $LOGFILE = "E:/pearl/$logdir.log" ;

print " Log file name is : $LOGFILE ";

out put:


It should be


I think value of localtime gives date in single digit hence split is failing to get value. But this code works if date in 2 digit.

Can some one help me to correct the code?


my $time=localtime;
my ($day,$month,$date,$tm,$year)=split(/\s+/,$time);
my $stamp=$tm."_".$month."_".$date;
my $logdir="SAP_IN_".$stamp;
my $LOGFILE = "E:/pearl/$logdir.log" ;

print "Log file name is : $LOGFILE\n";

Thanks a lot Bala,

This is perfect one working fine. Just want to know what is exact meaning of split(/\s+/,$time); what is the significance of pattern "/s+/".
Please explain.


\s matches all whitespaces (tabs, newline, space...)
+ is a quantifier which tells perl to search for one or more of \s.

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Thanks a lot Bala,

Simply excelent...