Unable to connect sun server.


I am unable to connect sun server, server model is sun fire v440

on server 2 ports are there.

serial management, and network management.

I would like to know how to connect serial port if I dont have com port on my system? and on Network Management no ip address is configured.

please suggest.

This is a common problem. There are many forum discussions on here about this. Ignore the different SPARC models (V240 vs V440, etc) they're all the same. Search the forums for the information.

To get you started here are two links to threads that I've been involved in:

If you can't get the right cable I'm sure one of us can find you the pin-outs if you have the means to make one.

Hope that helps. Post back any questions.


You will need the following if you are connecting to the SUN serial/net management port from your laptop.
If you laptop has a serial connection available you will need
A cisco roll over cable.

If you do not have a serial output then you need that cisco rollover cable connected to the serial to usb connector

Connect the serial cables together then plug that USB to your system.
Be aware that each USB port will be labeled as a different COM port.
Just find the com port in your device manager.

Use terminal emulators like putty and connect via "Serial"
Hit "enter" repeatly if you you get no response or "#." to get to ALOM

I hope that answers what you are looking for.