Unable to change root password


Some how my root password expired for my hp_ux 10.20 machine and when i tried to change the password it displays file system full error how to resolve this issue

At first it accepts newpassword and while saving it some where the problem is.....

I am logging as root ........


Log in single user mode.

Clean up file system then change password.

Thanks for the reply Ikon .......

I am a new user for hp_ux and i do not have that much idea on logging in single user mode could you pleasse explain how to login in single user mode

Thanks in advance

This is what is used on the HP Nxxx systems here. Depending one your system and HPUX version it may vary a little bit.

Reboot server

When booting at somepoint it will ask if you want to interupt booting "Interact".

press "y"

at the prompt type "hpux -is"

you will then need to mount the filesystem

This should work, unless you need to fsck the partitions.

mount -a

Then you will need to fingure what you can remove to clean up the file system.

Thank You Very much Ikon... It worked for me