Unable to change keyboard layout

After Solaris 10 installation I was unable to change keyboard using known commands
kbd -s and eeprom keyboard layoit.
Also modifinig /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc did not helped.

And is possible to replace Solaris keymap with ubuntu keymap because my keyboard
work perfectly under Ubuntu and Gentoo

Try: /usr/bin/loadkeys /usr/share/lib/keytables/type_6/[language]

try "kdmconfig" from commandline login as root...

Tried and answer is unknown id

Hmm here something smells bad because

The Solaris environment supports the AT keyboard with
             several international layouts and languages. Currently the
             following languages and layouts are supported:

                        US-English, US-English (Microsoft-Natual),
                        UK-English, Japanese (J3100), Japanese (106),
                        French, French-Canadian, Swiss-French, Danish,
                        Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, German, Swiss-German,
                        Italian, Spanish, Korean, and Taiwanese.

example for German layout:

# ls /usr/share/lib/keytables/type_6/
albania              layout_00            layout_105           layout_1e            slovenia
belarus              layout_02            layout_106           layout_1f            spain
belgium              layout_06            layout_107           layout_20            sweden
bulgaria             layout_07            layout_108           layout_21            swiss_french
croatia              layout_08            layout_10f           layout_23            swiss_german
denmark              layout_09            layout_12            maltauk              taiwan
finnish              layout_0e            layout_13            maltaus              turkeyf
france               layout_0f            layout_16            netherlands          turkeyq
germany              layout_10            layout_17            norway               uk
iceland              layout_100           layout_18            portugal             us
italy                layout_101           layout_19            reset                
japan                layout_102           layout_1a            russia               
kbd_layouts          layout_103           layout_1b            serbiaandmontenegro  
korea                layout_104           layout_1c            slovakia             

select your preferred layout:

# loadkeys /usr/share/lib/keytables/type_6/germany

test and if your layout is ok edit /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc and insert this line:

setprop keyboard-layout 'German'

did not worked

It would help if you elaborate a little.
Start with telling what keyboard layout do you want to set, then cut and paste the commands you run and their output.

You are right

I have DELL USB keyboard
i tried with this commands

kbd -s with no result
then i tried
eeprom keyboard-layou=Croatian
tried also to edit /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc

I tried to configure Xserver but hole system has gone with the wind:D [I do not know how to edit that file ]

but the thing is when the system was installed I tooked ONLY croatian keyboard layout .

On previous version my keyboard was working quite well with this script

mkdir /etc/dt/config
cp Xstartup /etc/dt/config
cat >> /etc/dt/config/Xstartup <<%EOF%
xmodmap -e "keycode  55 = v V at grave"
xmodmap -e "keycode  24 = q Q backslash Greek_OMEGA"
xmodmap -e "keycode  25 = w W bar Lstroke"
xmodmap -e "keycode  26 = e E EuroSign EuroSign"
xmodmap -e "keycode  41 = f F bracketleft ordfeminine"
xmodmap -e "keycode  42 = g G bracketright ENG"
xmodmap -e "keycode  45 = k K lstroke ampersand"
xmodmap -e "keycode  46 = l L lstroke Lstroke"
xmodmap -e "keycode  56 = b B braceleft apostrophe"
xmodmap -e "keycode  57 = n N braceright braceright"
xmodmap -e "keycode  58 = m M asciicircum masculine"

but the thing is why my keyboard work with no mistake on Ubuntu ????
And now I just want to know to replace Solaris keymap with Ubuntu keymap , but also I want to know why I can not have change keyboard layout in this vesrion of Solaris :confused:

---------- Post updated at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous update was at 11:05 AM ----------

got an idea
how to edit /usr/openwin/etc/keytables/keytable.map