Unable to access web application hosted in same network


I have various web applications hosted in a client network. These web apps are accessed through a Apache web server.

We have deployed a new web application server and it is not serviced through the Apache web server. So i am unable to access this applications. But i am able to access this application using Citrix. Any thoughts.

Is the citrix server on the internal network and are you otherwise accessing it from outside? Perhaps your firewall(s) are blocking requests?

Citrix server is on the outside network. How to identify if firewalls are blocking the requests?

do a traceroute from your desktop to the "good" server and then do the same from your desktop to the "bad" server ... traceroute result should end at the ip address of the good server and get lost somewhere before the bad server ... use tracert on windows ...

# unix/linux command line

traceroute $good_server
traceroute $bad_server

# windows command line

tracert $good_server
tracert $bad_server