Unable To access array in awk

i have the following code in which i am passing array tldn in awk using -v option & despite of that condition is not getting matched,can somebody suggest how to handle shell arrays in awk

tcount=(9875 9667)

awk -F"\t" -v ltldn="${tldn[*]}" 'NR==FNR {POSTPAIDMDNS[$1]=$2"|"$3;next}
                function ceil(val) { return (val == int(val)) ? val : int(val)+1}
                        (substr($6,length($6)-9,10) in POSTPAIDMDNS && $7 !~ "[A-Z,a-z]" && (substr($20,length($20)-9,4) !~ ltldn))
                                print POSTPAIDMDNS[$6]
                ' FS="\t" PP.txt SS.MRC

IP file is as follows:

9875222100      1000000426      15
9875040009      1000001576      1
1415101350      1000000300      1


386     130     23:59:31        11/30/2013      0       9875222100      919929377903    45      0       0       0       0       0       0       Ms   null     404001742760058 null    null    9667920916      null    null    IN      00:00:16        null    null    0       null    404009875008997 404009875008997      3501661179
603     130     23:59:49        11/30/2013      0       9875040009      919414288049    41      0       0       0       0       0       0       Ms   null     404001742768413 null    null    9137920523      null    null    IN      00:00:30        null    null    0       null    404009875008997 404009875008997      3501661261

Any error msgs? The awk script as posted cannot execute correctly; tldn is not defined, tcount is not used, an if and a } is missing.

Hi rudi,
Following is the updated code, also there is no error. Issue is array tldn content are not being matched correctly in awk when passed through -v option, is there any way out?

tldn=(9875 9667)

awk -F"\t" -v ltldn="${tldn[*]}" 'NR==FNR {POSTPAIDMDNS[$1]=$2"|"$3;next}
                function ceil(val) { return (val == int(val)) ? val : int(val)+1}
                        (substr($6,length($6)-9,10) in POSTPAIDMDNS && $7 !~ "[A-Z,a-z]" && (substr($20,length($20)-9,4) !~ ltldn))
                                print POSTPAIDMDNS[$6]
                ' FS="\t" PP.txt SS.MRC

Actually, the entire array's contents is assigned to a single variable which now holds all elements separated by $IFS's contents.
Try to reverse the match:

 ltldn !~ (substr($20,length($20)-9,4)

I still think an if is missing.

Thanks Rudi...
Yes it seemed to work, one more question how reversing has helped as ltldn is still separated with two different values & value of each should match with the substr string.
Can you please throw light on this.

In your case tldn = "9875 9667" and that substring is like "9137" , so the match would read

 "9875 9667" !~ "9137"

which is true, or

 "9875 9667" !~ "9667"

which is false.

Thanks a ton