umask with find

Will umask work with find command ?

I was trying to do

find /newdir/apps/ -type d -name 'par' -print -exec umask 117 {} \;

it returns with

find: umask: Permission denied ,

I've checked permission of all the directores, they have 770.

however, If I use the command

find /newdir/apps/ -type d -name 'par' -print | umask 117 it works

any reasons why, Is that

What is the intended function of those statements? Both of them look useless. I suspect umask isn't what you think it is.

I would like to change certain directories UMASK, so that whatever file created under them, the will have 660 privilege , umask wont help here ??

umask is not specific to induvisual directories. Here's what the manual says:

 The umask utility sets the file mode creation  mask  of  the
 current  shell  execution environment to the value specified
 by the mask operand.

thanks a lot !!