Ultra 60 strange disk problems


I just bought a nice ultra 60 with 2x36gb scsi disks (fujitsu MAJ3364MC, sun partnr 540-4521).

If i do a probe-scsi-all in obp the disk anounces itself as SUN36G.

In a booted system however, I can only use 9 gb and the disk is seen in format as 9.0 gb.

My own wild uneducated guess: As the system is about 10 years old, it was probably sold with 9 gb disks. Those disks might have failed in the past and replaced with 36gb disks with 9gb firmware.....

I have spectrum acces to sunsolve, but i've not been able to find anything related to this issue, neither was I able to find a firmware upgrade for this type of disk.

Thanks if anyone can help me to have a clue



have you tried "typing" the disks in format it may be simply that they are incorrectly identified by the system. 2x36 is definitely supported. What are the model numbers on the disks?

Also maybe post the output of prtvtoc for the disks.

Please make sure that you use the latest OBP version 3.31.
SCSI does not have the limitations of the ATAPI interface, so also 36GB disks are fine.
My Ultra 60 has one 181GB disk which is fully useable.
Maybe you have to re-define the type of disk by using "format", because the disk parameters have been set manually?
By the way, your disks with part number 540-4521 are listed among the valid options for an Ultra 60 on the Sunsolve page.

It was indeed as easy as setting the disk type*sigh*. Another fine example of RTF(18000 pages)M

Thanks for your time !