ultra 10 boot warning---corrupt label

Hi All,

Any idea why i'm having this warning during boot:

WARNING: /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3/dad@1,0 (dad1):
corrupt label - wrong magic number

This happens after I added another ide HD and reinstall it from solaris 10 to solaris 8.

Thanks in advance.

use the "format" utility to label the disk...

Yes, you must label the disk from format utility
Before doing that, ensure that you partition table is shown as what you want exactly. Then.. you label the disk. When you do #format again, you should not see that corrupt lable anymore

Sorry, it didn't work.



During boot, it still give the warning.

Any more idea? Thanks.

post the output of:

format | echo

and the lines of /var/adm/messages since the last reboot...

I don't know what happened below:

bash-2.03# format | echo


Broken Pipe

Here's the .../messages:

By the way, there's two HD. One original HD of 9G and then I added another 80G. It's IDE.

hmmm... i don't know why the disk doesn't accept the label... try to call "format -e" and choose "label" (the right disk!) and then take the "smi" label...

I found the problem. The second HD which was configured previously with another filesystem, I created a newfs and the WARNING is now remove.

Case closed!