[ufw] force all traffic through VPN

I am trying to force all my tun0's traffic through VPN but some some reason, the ufw is not working the way I want to.

Below are the commands that I have executed.. I am able to connect to my SSH and NFS server but for some reason that I am unable to understand, I am unable to surf the net.
What am I missing?

sudo echo "y" ufw reset
sudo ufw logging off
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default deny outgoing

#Force all VPN traffic to tun0
sudo ufw allow out on tun0 from any to any

sudo ufw allow out on enp6s0 to ssh_ip_server port XX proto tcp

sudo ufw allow out on enp6s0 to nfs_server_ip port xxx
sudo ufw allow out on enp6s0 to nfs_server_ip port xxx
sudo ufw allow out on enp6s0 to nfs_server_ip port xxx

sudo ufw enable