Ubuntu / Ubuntu File Manager / Config

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 with Gnome 2.28.

I use the default Nautilus File Manager to view / manage files.

Is there a way to add icons or customize the icons that are above the location bar and below the menus? There is a bar that has icons for "Back" "Forward" "Parent" above the location bar. I want to add "Delete" so that I can quickly delete selected files. I cannot find a way to add icons there.

On a Mac, in the Finder, one would right click and select 'Customize' to do that. Is there an equivalent in Gnome / Nautilus?

As far as I know there's no simple way to customize the Nautilus toolbar.

You could try modifying the nautilis-navigation-window.ui.xml file and add the following line:

<toolitem name "Delete" action "Trash"/>

However it has the drawback that it will put the files in your ~/.local/share/Trash/ or ~/.Trash folder instead of deleting them.

Thanks. Not the answer I wanted, but at least I was not crazy for not finding that!

Note to Nautilus developers: that function is needed...

You're not the only one.

Just search for the terms torvalds vs. gnome for more on the issue.

I have to agree with you. The desktop wars are long over. News from the front: Windows won.

Unless there is a spectacular advantage, most users will not switch. The Gnome folks seem to be bent on fighting the desktop war all over without the benefit of billions $ / year in cash flow. There is a very health market for those who know what they want and want to customize to personal preference without the interface getting in the way.

I mostly use Linux just in Bash, I kinda like KDE, but daily I use OS X.

file manager


