typical mail script

hi i have a requirement to write a mail script which needs to be automated.There are 7 CSV files generated for 7 clients in a single day.Each file will contain one header and the name of the file follows a nomenclature like ABC_20080402_ClientID.csv.ClientID is lets say AJAT,THUJH,RTYUJ,TJJIGF,HTUKG,HUJGD,THYIUJ for 7 files and 20080402 is the rundate.If the file contains more than one record then it should appear in the mail along with its record count.
The path of the files are /data.
The mail should appear in the following format
The subject line should be : files generated for 02-Apr-2008
Hi All
The files are generated for the date 02-Apr-2008 successfully.
Following are the details:
File Name : ABC_20080402_AJAT.csv
Rec Count:200
File Name : ABC_20080402_THUJH.csv
Rec Count:1000
<Record counts should be picked from the file system>
There are zero records for the clients TYUJ,TJJIGF,HTUKG,HUJGD and THYIUJ.<This line should not appear if the no. of records in all the files are more than 1>



Please help me in writing the script.It would be better if the file names appear in the bold font.Can we use HTML in writing the shell script so that mail will look good??

Waiting for reply

please help me out in writing the mail script.i need it urgently

rm msg.log
for zf in *.csv; do
   echo "The file is ""$zf" >>msg.log
   count=$(wc -l "$zf")
   echo "# recs = ""$count" >>msg.log

mailx -s "April 2 files" john@abc.com <msg.log

there are some other points i have mentioned there like if number of recs=1 then the client id will be notified with a sentence.how can i achieve.it would be better if you can give the script for that also