Two separate domains - and files

I've been asked to 'troubleshoot' a webserver where two different TLDs are being served. Or to be more accurate, '' and ''.

So we have


And then for some reason, the httpd.conf file points to two different configuration files.


And then in there, there are Virtualhost stuff, and what else, I don't know.

It's a bit of a dog's breakfast.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, when someone points at, he gets to, but when someone points to, he still goes to

So something's wrong. But the whole thing is such a mess, that I don't even know where to start. Can someone give me some tips?


Show the conf:

Virtual Hosts:

The Apache web server allows one to configure a single computer to represent multiple websites as if they were on separate hosts. There are two methods available and we describe the configuration of each. Choose one method for your domain:

  • Name based virtual host: (most common) A single computer with a single IP adress supporting multiple web domains. The web browser using the http protocol, identifies the domain being addressed.
  • IP based virtual host: The virtual hosts can be configured as a single multi-homed computer with multiple IP addresses on a single network card, with each IP address representing a different web domain. This has the appearance of a web domain supported by a dedicated computer because it has a dedicated IP address.

Configuring a "name based" virtual host:

A virtual host configuration allows one to host multiple web site domains on one server. (This is not required for a dedicated linux server which hosts a single web site.)

NameVirtualHost XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

<VirtualHost XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX>
ServerName - CNAME (bind DNS alias www) specified in Bind configuration file (/var/named/...)
ServerAlias - Allows requests by domain name without the "www" prefix.
DocumentRoot /home/user1/public_html
ErrorLog logs/
TransferLog logs/