Two scripts after reboot

I have two scripts: &

I need to schedule them to run then after the servers is rebooted ( only first reboot )

OS: AIX 6.1

if AIX supports init scripts, you can use them... and delete the scripts after the first reboot.

Making scripts run at boot time with Debian

I need to automate the process of running the two scripts after the first reboot without editing init script

You don't mention precisely when after the server has rebooted.

You could set up a proper rc Start script with a link from the appropriate runlevel directory. Then as the last line of the script, delete the link.

so? you need the scripts to run once after new installation? write a script that copies the two scripts to the system and run them as /etc/rc3.d/S99blabla and delete the init script and the two scripts after the first run...