two commands on 1 line

wuts the command that allows u to use 2 commands on one line?

if you dont mind, english please! Read the rules of the board.

you can run multiple commands on a single line by separating the commands by a semi colon.


echo $PWD ; ls -a

You can also run multiple commands on a single line via a pipe. The pipe takes the output of one command and "pipes" it as input to another command.


ps -ef | grep ORA

Also, if you want to conditionally execute the second command based on the return code of the first you can use || or &&.

<command1> && <command2> will execute command2 if command1 returns a value >= 0 (ie success).

<command1> && <command2> will exeucte command2 if command1 returns a value < 0 (ie failure)

