

I am within a LAN system and I need to be able to tunnel out (and recv UDP) packets.

Currently the router automatically drops UDP packets.

My PC cant see the outside world, nor ping, but it can connect via SSH to a server on the "edge" of the network which can see everything. I have been able to successfully (using putty) both tunnel outwards and inwards, but there is a game which I really need to play, which uses UDP packets for gameplay.

Anyone got any ideas? The server near the edge of the network is using Linux and port 22 is freely open to TCP connections outbound / inbound.


PS I know it's not really in context with the forum but I know you guys are quite clever in here, and it was the only forum that popped to mind.


iptables -I FORWARD -p udp --dport [GAMEPORT] -j ACCEPT
iptables -I OUTPUT -p udp --dport [GAMEPORT] -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INTPUT -p udp --dport [GAMEPORT] -j ACCEPT

to open your gameport

But the problem is

im at PC 1, and cant send UDP to the gate to get out externally:

PC1 --- Network (UDP dropped)---GATE------(no Drops)-------WWW

I have SSH access to GATE which is a unix system, but still UDP packets dropped on way there.

maybe that's better explained :slight_smile: imma quite newb at terminology