TUI for Raspery Pi?


Just followed a conversation on IRC#ffmpeg, actualy just from the logs as they were offline when i came back.
Anyway, they were talking about a terminal interface for their Raspery Pi using SSH.

But it might just be a great usage case for TUI.
It should display well, i hope, but i cannot tell for sure without having tested it.
And since i dont have one, i cant test myself :frowning:

Anyone happen to have a Raspery Pi and who might be willing to give TUI a shot on his/her device?
And who would let me know if so or not?
Maybe even with a screenshot / photo?
Sadly i cant give any installation help/instructions for the RP, as i have no experience with it.

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

I use the ethernet port with a null modem cable sometimes, but I could also use a USB-to-serial uart cable. Not clear on what or why I would need TUI.

Err yes sorry, forgot to give context.
Well someone wanted to have some kind of interface (to the console) after connecting to his RP through ssh.
But didnt want to to have to compile for each change, but wanted something more than just plain text output from scripts.

It was just the top message, just before the logout/status messages would scroll it out of sight, didnt care much at that time. After i figured it, couldnt find that part again.

Actualy, just what i though one could use TUI for (eg: giving (ssh) console (write scripts with-) an interface), but didnt thought of a Rapsery Pi.
But since it must be installed on the host, i'm not sure/certain how that is achieved, or if a regular installation would work.
Maybe just as regular after you ssh'd to the RP, and change to a tempdir run git to retrieve it.