Tseries and zones

Does anyone know if I have to use LDOMS on a Tseries server? Or can I just setup zones using solaris 10 without using LDOMS?


zones is some kind of software virtualisation for solaris while LDOM is hardware virtualisation. you can build zones on all hardware (on which solaris 10 or higher will run) but you can only build LDOMs on T series hardware from sun/oracle.

Thanks. Here is the official answer from Oracle on my question which is exactly what you said.

Zones and LDOMs are completely different virtualization technologies. Anywhere you can run Solaris 10 or later, you can run zones, regardless of the hardware or even virtualization that Solaris is running on. LDOMs is a hardware based virtualization that uses the hypervisor built into our T-Series CPUs, and can only be used on T-Series servers, but has no restrictions in relation to zones, so you can run zones on any T-Series server with or without LDOMs, and you can run zones in the Solaris instance running on an LDOM. I don't think there will be anything written specifically to address the question, as they are separate, no-dependent technologies."