Trying to untar then chown, and chmod

I'm changing (trying to anyway) a script that will need to unrar a file, this file will create a directory with files in it. Then I need to change the owner ship and permission on that directory. Finally, I will rsync the directory to another machine.

This is what I have so far.


###Grab the name of the .trz file and unzip

echo -e "Enter the name of the patch file: \c"
read file
tar -zxf $file
##### This is where I'm stuck, not sure what the next step is.

####Below was the original script that would rsynce the directory if the permissions were already set and the file was already untarred####

echo -e "Please enter the directory of patch (exclude trailing slash) : \c"
read patch
rsync -rpvgo --force $patch
rsync -rpvgo --force $patch

Hello there!
You say unrar but use tar?
Not that I know how You use this script but maybe You could consider passing the filename as a parameter? Unless You are doing some looping here...

What are You missing? Setting mode on the unpacked files? Do You know what settings You want? Do You know where You have unpacked the files?
If, as an example, You have unpacked them in Your current, previously empty, working directory then I guess

chmod -R 777 .
chown -R user.user .