Trying to FTP files from Windows to Linux

I am trying to FTP some files from a box running Windows XP to a Linux box and cannot get the right syntax for the file path.

Can you show what path you are using on which box? Use


tags when doing so please.

My files are located on the Windows box a C:\TEMP in the DMA tool on the Linux box in the path I have entered CTEMP, C/TEMP, and C.TEMP and get file does not exist or cannot be read.

I strongly doubt there is a C/TEMP etc. on the Linux box. Use the ls and dir command to get listings of your actual remote directory.
To change the directory on your local box, use the lcd c:\temp command for example.

So, assuming that you are opening the connection from Windows to unix....

lcd c:\temp
cd /target-directory
put file

If you have enabled an ftp server on windoze and you are opening the connection from unix:-

lcd /unix-directory
cd c:\temp
put file

I hope that this helps.


Another tip: mind the mode. If the file you are transferring is binary or you do not want FTP to mess with the end of lines use binary mode.
If this is a text file, then use ASCII mode. Ftp will convert the end of lines from <CR><LF> to just <LF> as is the custom on Linux.