trying to configure DNS address in Solaris

hi to all.
I'm trying to use the sendmail command to generate some reports and I cant use it. The mails i try to send simply won't go out, instead I receive a response from the system sayng that the host is unknown.
I think the problem is in the DNS configuration (or the IMAP/SMTP servers).

Where (in Solaris 1.2) can I access and reconfigure these settings?


Have you checked that your nameserve is properly specified in /etc/resolv.conf?

I think that this would be fine if already there is a nameserver which tells the world what domain do you have. Usually a mail server is associated to a domain, which should be defined first on a DNS server. There is a "escape" from this situation, to "fool" the MTA with IP Address/Hostname pairs in /etc/hosts, but this is not the correct answer to this problem. The best solution is to designate a DNS server to hold the domain, and to point the mail exchanger to the host what we are talking about, the one with the MTA.


Please open the /etc/named.boot file . Using that file open the apropriate host file(primary for that domain).verifiy the hostname or the IP Adress in that file(if any CNAME,mis spelled). If everything is fine there then you won't get any error.

Reply back after verifing the things.