trying to add an option to view before executing?

I am very new to scripting.

I have the following script:

for i in `ls -1 | grep $1 | grep -v $2`
x=`echo $i | sed 's/\.New/\.Old/g'`
echo mv $i DONE/$x

This is taking files from the directory I am in and changing the name from .New to .Old and then echoing the command to move it to a DONE directory.

So from here I want to know how can I add a little output that asks the user if what outputted to the screen is correct? And if it is go ahead and move and if not just cancel out.

Thank you for ANY replies!!

Add this:

for i in `ls -1 | grep $1 | grep -v $2`
    x=`echo $i | sed 's/\.New/\.Old/g'`
    echo "Will now move $i to DONE/$x. OK?"
    read user_response
    case $user_response in
    "y"|"Y") echo mv $i DONE/$x;;
    *) echo "No changes made..."

That worked awesome!
How can I make it so that it doesn't ask for each file but rather the entire list that is outputed?

Thanks again!