Troubleshooting Solairs 10 Network problems

recently I've setup a Solaris 10 box & am having network disruption, e.g. disconnects, interrupted pings, etc) when I
connect to it from another machine, how should I troubleshoot this !

The machine is a x86 box with 3 NICs (Differnet providors). The Current NIC is a Intel Gigabit, which is configured as DHCP. This NIC Can be reomved, the others are built-in & cna be disabled via the BIOS
tail /var/adm/messages revelas no messages logged during the network interpretions though does mention 'IRQ18 is shared' - [ I would like to how to troubleshoot IRQs ]

thanks in advance

Ms. Stevi

Update:Read previously about dladm, though i'd love to know would this be a natural first step ?

#dladm show-dev
e1000g0 link:up speed: 100mb duplex:full
rge0 link: unknown speed:0mb duplex:unknown

I've disabled the other interfaces but still getting network disruption & a conflict in IRQ18


You mentioned the box has 3 NICs but the system sees only 2 of them, and between those two, it looks like only e1000g0 is working. Is this the one you are having the disruption problem?

you must be precise enuff to let us know what disruption you're facing.. intermintent connectivity issues, routing issue?? contents of files such as netmask, defaultrouter, hosts , hostname.* under the /etc ?? netstat -rn and ifconfig outputs? pls advise us what you really want.:stuck_out_tongue: