Trouble connecting to internet

I am having trouble connecting to the internet.

OpenSuse 11.1, Cable Modem, connected to Linksys Wireless N Router, hard line from router to ethernet port on my computer.

I checked network settings in YAST2, my ethernet is showing not connected. I have it set to start at boot, and when I look at /var/log/messages after boot, I see an error that says "eth0: no Ipv6 routers present"

You are more than likely using IPv4 not v6 so that should not be an issue. Do you have "connect at boot" selected in YaST? in /etc/sysconfig/network/, do you have any files with "eth" in them? Can you list them?

something like this would be needed:


I have "connect at boot" in my network settings in YAST

I do have a ifcfg-eth0 file in /etc/sysconfig/network/

The entries for that file didnt have

I added those entries, rebooted, still not seeing eth0 connected in Network settings

If you are using DHCP then you need to add the following also:


where did you get that file? ifcfg-eth0 is a redhat style config and opensuse usually puts the MAC address string in the eth file. Have you tried removing and reconfiguring your network device?