Trimming fields for comma or pipe seperated file

I have file like this

abc , "helloworld" , america
def,asia, japan
ghi, africa, ipl

Output Needed:

I would like to implement using awk.
I want to trim each field for its leading and trailing spaces.

for the past 6 posts, you have been asking awk questions, so what have you tried so far? have you been reading up on awk ?

Hi ..
USE THIS Command

awk '{gsub(" ","",$0); print $0;}' filename

The above script just removes spaces from any where in the line.
I like to trim each field in a comma seperated file.

I wrote the following code:

awk '{gsub("^[ ]*","",$1);gsub("^[ ]*","",$2) ;gsub("^[ ]*","",$3) print $1,$2,$3;}' filename > filename1
awk '{gsub("[ ]*$","",$1);gsub("[ ]*$","",$2) ;gsub("^[ ]*$","",$3) print $1,$2,$3;}'filename1 > filename

The problem with this code is it not versatile for different files with different number of fields.

Appreciate help on making this versatile

This removes the spaces except the spaces within the double quotes:

awk -F"\"" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if(i%2)gsub(" ","",$i)}}1' OFS="\"" file


Thankyou Franklin52

This was what i was looking for that does triming and not with in double quotes.

Thanks again

nawk -F"\"" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if(i%2)gsub("^[ ]*","",$i);gsub("[ ]*$","",$i)}}1' OFS="\"" filetst1

Modified as the earlier version was eating away the spaces between words in a csv thanks!!

Sorry the above was not doing trimming properly.

This works fine

nawk -F"|" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){gsub("^[ ]*","",$i);gsub("[ ]*$","",$i)}}1' OFS="|" filetst1