Trigger the execution of a script on SFTP Disconnect

Hi Guys,

I suspect what I'm trying to do isn't possible, but I'm hoping someone can either confirm this or point me in the right direction.

We have a third-party application which transfers a collection of files to our SFTP server ( Ubuntu 12.04 with OpenSSH ) . Once the app disconnects, we want to trigger the running of a script to organise the files into relevant subfolders. The server is only for this application so the script can be run on every disconnect.

From what I've seen, sftp doesn't seem to have any hooks to external sources. I've looked into using inotify but I don't think this will suffice. The number of files transferred and their size will change continuously so combining inotify-on-fileclose with a timeout would be unreliable.

So my question is: Is this possible at all or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Thanks in advance.

Well it will depend on a few things...

  • Is that directory entirely dedicated to that specific application for it s dowload?
    ( Understand when you have moved the files found to relevant files, its can be considered as empty... and no one else but that application writes here...)
  • Is the deposit RANDOM or you have a littel idea of the schedule

to start with...

Set up a cron job to scan the inbound directory as frequently as nesessary. Use fuser to bypass files that are in use.


  • The directory is dedicated to the sftp uploads. The script moves the files into relevant folders and then the folder is empty. There are no other apps that write to this directory.
  • The deposit is controlled by a user. They press a deploy button and the content is dumped into our server. so, logically we know roughly when it should be, but the system will not. The system is also aimed at untrained/partially-trained personnel and the fewer steps to go through, the easier it is to use.


I thought about a cron job but if the cron job fires as the files are being uploaded, only half the files will be sorted.

Thanks for your input.


If you have control of the sending function, send two files. First the data file and secondly a trigger file. Have the cron job only orocess data files for which there is a corresponding trigger file.

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Yep, I think that's possibly my best option (or do it with cron/manually). We don't have control of the app but we are in communication with the developers so they may be able to accommodate.

Thanks for your input.

You might want to watch the sftp-server process - once it disappears from the ps listing, the script can be run. Or you could look into /var/log/auth.log :

Apr 22 16:21:46 RFreeBSD sshd[1195]: subsystem request for sftp by user RUDIC
Apr 22 16:23:27 RFreeBSD sshd[1195]: Received disconnect from 11: disconnected by user


Excellent. I've just tested ps -aux when the client is connected/disconnected and as you say, the process appears and disappears. The next question is how can I trigger a script off of that? The watch command is ringing bells but the documentation suggests it won't do what I think.


If the /proc file system is available, this might work (with 11266 the PID of sftp):

ls -d /proc/11266 


watch -g pgrep sftp

@ RudiC

Thanks - I'll give this a try.

What happens with Rudi's solution if there are concurrent transmissions or a transmit failure?

Good points. But - that wasn't meant as a solution but as a direction to think into. Unfortunately, unlike ftp , sftp is a handled as a subsystem of the sshd daemon. I'm not sure if it could be modified (e.g. replaced by a wrapper script) to detect/handle connects and disconnects.

I have used variations of this code for over 10 years.

put abcdefgh.ltr /u2/email/temp
put abcdefgh.mmo /u2/email/temp
put abcdefgh.job /u2/email/requests
if [ -r /u2/email/$ ]                                            
        echo Previous job still running `cat /u2/email/$`        
echo $proc >/u2/email/$                                          
echo  $proc `date +"%Y%m%d %H%M%S"` >/u2/email/$BATCH.pidhistory          
cd /u2/email                                                              
list=`ls requests|grep $BATCH`                                            
if [ "$list" != "" ]                                                      
        for request in $list                                              
        echo $request `date`                                              
        cat requests/$request | read  user email subject memo attachments 
        IFS=" "                                                           
        cd /u2/email/temp                                                 
        #do all the processing here                                       
        cd /u2/email                                                      
        mv /u2/email/temp/$req* done                                      
        mv /u2/email/requests/$request done                               
        if [ ! -r /u2/email/$ ]                                  
                echo Job terminated manually `cat /u2/email/$`   
rm /u2/email/$                                                   

We use 8.3 file names.
The file name extension for files in the request directory is used to create different queues: job for regular processing, ovn for overnight, rsh for rush. There is a separate cron job for each extension.
The process can be stopped by manually removing the pid file.
If a previous pid file exists, this does not necessarily mean that the previous invocation failed. It could be that there were more jobs to process than could be processed in the interval between invocations.

Thank you both for your input. I'll check out the info you've supplied.