Transpose Rows


Am trying to transpose a set of rows into a set of comma separated values.

For eg. if the output of

ps -ef | tail +2 | awk 'BEGIN{ FS=" " } { print $2 }'



I need to transpose it to -


Am currently trying -

ps -ef | tail +2 | awk 'BEGIN{ FS=" " } { print $2 }' | tr '\n' ',' > tmpFile
sessList=`cat tmpFile | sed s/.$/\'/ | sed s/^/\'/ | sed s/\,/\'\,\'/ `
echo $sessList

However that does not seem to work.

Any pointers towards achieving this more efficiently/elegantly will be of great help.

sessList=$(ps -ef | awk -v sq="'" 'NR > 1 { printf sq "%s" sq ",", $2 }' )
sed -e "s/^/'/" -e "s/$/'/" a.txt | nawk '{str=sprintf("%s,%s",str,$0)}
print str

Thanks Johnson and Cherry for the responses.

The output from

sessList=$(ps -ef | awk -v sq="'" 'NR > 1 { printf sq "%s" sq ",", $2 }' )

looks like -

There is an additional comma in the end.

The Output from Cherry's command is exactly the one I was looking for.

However, can you please help me understand the syntax (am still grappling with sed and awk using google) so that I can change it if required in the future.

if you have python

# ps -eo pid | python -c "import sys;print '\'' +  '\',\''.join([1:]) + '\''"