Transfering file through FTP through Binary Mode


I'm uploading files using internet explorer.
1.Open internet explorer 6.0
2.Open site like
3.Copy files

The files which I'm copying are basically zip files. What is the default transfer mode, I mean ASCII/BINARY ???.

The problem I'm facing, while extracting these copied files, these files get corrupted.

Is there a way I can transfer files in binary mode using IE(ftp).

Thanks in advance.

The NT admins I work with assure me that Internet Explorer always uses binary mode for FTP transfers. Tests with my PC to and from my Solaris workstation preserved the Zip file integrity (a very large Zip file with text, images, and subdirectories).

I suspect the Zip file in question is already corrupt possibly from a previous FTP. Try using the FTP client from your PC rather than Internet Explorer for the file in question and check its integrity.

Good luck.


pls check the ftp folder permission.
are you behind somekind of firewall?



Yes, Our connection to the server goes through a firewall.


if you behind a firewall - then you cant do active connection such as putting file into remote ftp.
check your firewall to allow it.