training videos

Dear Experts,

I just want any web site from where i can download free or i can buy a full trainning video of unix shell programming.
Can any body tell me the good video CBT for unic shell scripting.


What should that video show? Someone typing away at a keyboard?

If you need a good introduction to shell programming you might like to read

  • Barry Rosenberg, Hands-On KornShell93 Programming (Addison Wesley)

and if you want some "expert to expert" talk (but be warned: the book "going where no shell script has ever gone before" ;-)) ). Yes, "Tim O'Reilly" is *this* Tim O'Reilly.

  • Tim O'Reilly UNIX Power Tools (O'Reilly)

Forget about that "training video" crap, it won't teach you anything useful anyways.
