Totally stucked in ssh port forwarding

Hello my friends , i am totally stuck in ssh port forwarding topic

i had learn iptables and other networking topic without any problem but ssh port forwarding is headache

  1. local port = what is this ? is this incoming traffic or outgoing traffic
  2. remote port = same as above
  3. dynamic port = same as above

i know this topic is very easy but seriosly i am stucked in this topic

I could not find any proper documentation on this topic on internet , every topic that i found is not well documentated , i mean topics are not properly written or explained .

Any Help

== ssh port forwarding ==
-- Case 1.1. - Opening ssh forwarding tunnel from local host client1 to remote host host1 --
on host client1 launch command:

<client1> # ssh -t -L <client1_local_port>:localhost:<host1_remote_port> <host1user>@<host1>

<client1_local_port> is the local port on host client1 listening to perform port forwarding;
<host1_remote_port> is the port on remote host host1 the ssh-forwarded connection is to be redirected;
<host1user> is a user defined for ssh login on remote host host1;
<host1> is the remote host host1 where the ssh connection is to be forwarded.

One interesting application, is to open an ssh tunnel via port forwarding in order to access a service running on remote host from the local client, i.e.:

<client1> #ssh -t -L 3128:localhost:3128 myuser@host1

TCP port 3128 is the default port used by SQUID proxy to redirect http requests; in this way, I can set my browser on local client to use localhost:3128 as http proxy, while actually redirecting browser requests to localhost:3128 toward host1:3128; the ssh tunnel provides an encrypted tunnel through which web browser sessions are channeled.
This is a common setup when you have, for example, a LAN firewall denying access to external networks or websites: in this way, if I have an external ssh server (host1) that is reachable through the LAN firewall, I can proxy web browser sessions through port 3128 on my local client, bypassing the LAN firewall restrictions.


<client> # netstat -an

on local client you can actually see a TCP 3128 socket listening for incoming connection.

Other clients on the same LAN may even share the same network socket TCP:3128 on client1.

-- Case 1.2. - Multi-hop ssh port forwarding --

SSH port forwardind can be done also in more complex setups, for example you can use 'muyltiple hops' in order to reach the external server, i.e.:

<client> # ssh -t -L <client_local_port>:localhost:<remote_port_host1> <user1>@<host1> ssh -t -L <remote_port_host1>:localhost:<remote_port_host2> <user2>@<host2> ssh -t -N -L <remote_port_host2>:localhost:<remote_port_host3> <user3>@<host3> 


== ssh reverse port forwarding ==

-- Case 2.1. - Single-hop reverse port forwarding --
First, the client machine establishes an ssh tunnel toward a remote host, thus creating a ssh tunnel; then from the remote host it is possible to establish a connection toward the client machine through the established tunnel.

on the client machine, on which we suppose an ssh server is locally running and listening on port 22:

<client> # ssh -t -R <host1_remote_port>:localhost:22 <host1user>@<host1>

<host1_remote_port> is the port on the remote host host1 that we want to use in order to establish connections back to the client machine;
<host1user> is a user defined for ssh login on remote host host1;
<host1> is the remote host host1 where the ssh connection is to be forwarded.

Then, on the remote host host1 we establish a new connection back to local client via:

<host1> # sh -p <host1_remote_port> <client_user>@localhost

<client_user> is a user defined on the host <client>

This trick is particularly useful whenever a way is needed to remotely connect to the machine <client> from outside the LAN, and this machine <client> is behind a firewall that denies connections fromthe outside.

-- Case 2.2. - Multi-hop reverse port forwarding --
In the reverse port forwarding a multi-hop reverse tunnel is also possible, i.e.:
on machine <client> we open a ssh reverse tunnel:

<client> # ssh -t -R <host1_remote_port>:localhost:22 <user1>@<host1>
   ssh -t -R <host2_remote_port>:localhost:<host1_remote_port> <user2>@<host2>
   ssh -t -N -R <host3_remote_port>:localhost:<host2_remote_port> <user3>@<host3>

Then from <host3> let's connect back to <client>:

<host3> # ssh -p <host3_remote_port> <client_user>@localhost

Hope this helped a little.
see ya

Now i understood

Local port forwarding is outgoing
remote port forwarding is incoming (to access client service)
dynamic port forwarding for sock proxy

Very interesting topic above is "Multiple hop ssh forwarding"

Thank you very much .................. Frappa