total output from a file created in a while loop

I have a while loop which looks for files and then sets a variable to give me the record count of each file:

current_members=`wc -l ${DATA_DIR}/$MEMBERS_FILENAME | nawk '{ printf "%d\n", $0}'`

I am out putting the totals into a file:

echo $current_members >> ../data/out_total_members.dat

out_total_members.dat could contain:


What I want to do is set another variable that gives the total count of the above file i.e. 7000

How can this be done??


total=$(echo "$(tr '\n' '+' < ../data/out_total_members.dat;)0" |bc)

You don't need awk if you redirect the input to wc:

current_members=$( wc -l < ${DATA_DIR}/$MEMBERS_FILENAME )
var=$(( $( tr '\n' + < out_total_members.dat ) ))
var=$( awk '{t+= $1} END { print t }' out_total_members.dat )

Thanks for the help, it now works great

F.A.O vgersh99,

can you explain what this is actually doing:

I understand that it reads in the file to the command not sure what tr means?

$(echo "$(tr '\n' '+' < ../data/out_previous_total_members.dat; )0" |bc)

also can this be used to times, divide and minus the contents of the file.

Take a look at this thread.
Yes, similar implementation can be used for other math ops.

I take it that you simply cannot change your code to do other math ops i.e. instead of '+' can I have '-', '/','*' ?????

you take it wrong - reread the explanation - '/':

$(echo "scale=5; $(tr '\n' '/' < ../data/out_previous_total_members.dat; )1" |bc)