top for Solaris 10

I need some information for the top statistics being displayed in Solaris 10

they look like the following

CPU states: 92.0% idle, 3.3% user, 4.7% kernel, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap
Memory: 8192M real, 216M free, 9208M swap in use, 1236M swap free 

I need to know what does 0.0% swap means. As swap being used is high in the case above compared to free, does that affects the performance of the system as other systems show lower swap in use but there also its like 0.0% swap.

Please comment for this.

Top is listing iowait and swap as CPU states but they aren't. Iowait will always reported as 0, I don't know how swap is computed by top but I won't be surprised if the value stick to 0.0% too.
You can use Solaris native tools. prstat, vmstat, mpstat, ...