top biggest files

hi all,

is there any way how i can output the top 10-30 biggest files for all filesystem?

using du -sh * is quite tedious since i have to move from 1 directory at a time.


It would be slow and not very efficient, but this would work.

find / -type f -ls | awk '{print $7,$11}' | sort -n | tail -10

thanks so much for the reply reborg,

this is actually my first ever venture in solaris unix and I just recently install this on my old athlon xp 1400. :0)

so far everything is going alright, I have backup and put all my mp3's on this box and its really doing great detecting my network, sound and video.

By the way, I hope you can help me further on this.

Since I got a backup of my files in /export/home, I've made a mistake of putting too much disk space on this filesystem.

I read about the format command and everytime I use format->partition->press the partition #->modify ... and reduce it from there, but when I get out to the prompt its still in 8gb which I reduced it to 1gb.

did i missed something?

Thanks again.

Yes, you did.

You need to label the disk after making changes.