To invoke a script on a remote machine


I am trying the following-

  1. ftp a file from machine1 to machine2.
  2. Once the ftp is done, from machine1 invoke a shell script on machine2.

Could anyone please help me on this?

Use ssh with keys. Plenty of examples in the forum if you do a search.

The machine1 is a windows machine. I am unable to use ssh from widows

Then you will have to enable ftp in your unix machine and no firewall between your 2 systems. If ok, you will be able to ftp from windows to unix, then execute the script as you wished.. if you were to google on that, there are examples for you :cool:

Not true. Download and install openssh for Windows, and you can use command line tools. Anyway, this is a Windows question, not a UNIX question.

Otheus, OP's initial post was to "ftp".. then he switched saying ssh.. Not sure how he wants it to be done. like you said, both way works..:cool: