To find pid from port number


I am working on HP-UX Release 11i.

I want to find the process id (PID) of the process running on a particular port.

lsof command fuser does not work on this system.

Please suggest some alternative.


lsof and fuser are two different commands. I have used them both on 11i. lsof can do want you want and it is what I would use.

Thanks for reply.
I tried lsof but it says "lsof: not found"

Plz suggest some alternative..

lsof doesn't come with the os. You need to install it.
link: lsof-4.78

you got to install it then. have you tried fuser? I doubt your version of netstat is able to show PID linked to a port number, but you may want to check your netstat man page anyway.

Yup, netstat has -b option for this purpose but does not work on this machine.

fuser asks for a file name and I don't know how to use it for this purpose.
Is there any other way I can get it without installing any command i.e. with existing commands on Version 11i

The HP-UX netstat man page has no mention of a -b option. I don't know of any standard HP-UX program that can do this.