To Find Duplicate files using latest in Linux

I have tried the following code and with that i couldnt achieve what i want.

    find ./ -type f \( -iname "*.xml" \) | sort -n > fileList
    sed -i '/\.\/fileList/d' fileList
    NAMEOFTHISFILE=$(echo $0|sed -e 's/[]\/()$*.^|[]/\\&/g')
    sed -i "/$NAMEOFTHISFILE/d" fileList
    cp fileList auxFileList
    while read FILENAME
        sed -i '1d' auxFileList
        #echo "Comparing $FILENAME with :"
        #Read the aux file and compare current file with every other element in the file
        while read COMPFILENAME
            if [ "$RETURN" == "" ]
            cat $FILENAME | awk ' BEGIN { FS="_" } { printf( "%03d\n",$2) }' | sort | awk ' { printf( "data_%d_box\n", $1)  }'
             #echo "$FILENAME AND $COMPFILENAME are identical"
             #rm -r $FILENAME
            #echo "  $COMPFILENAME"
    rm fileList auxFileList &>/dev/null
    printf '\n\n'

this code selecting all the files initially. I have to amend my code in such a way that only recent modified filename patterns for example

    File 1: AAA_555_0000 
    File 2: AAAA_123_123 
    File 3: AAAA_452_452 [latest]
    File 4: BBB_555_0000 
    File 5: BBB_555_555 
    File 6: BBB_999_999 [latest]
    File 7: CCC_555_0000 
    File 8: CCC_000_000 
    File 9: CCC_000_111 [latest]

Script has to pick latest file in all the filename patterns in the folder and it should compare and delete the duplicates.

Appreciate if you can help me with this logic.

Thanks much!

I have a folder with series of filename patterns like the below.

./ARCZ00300_010117_1507101655366.xml [latest]
./ARCZ00301_010117_1507101655591.xml  [latest]
./ARCZ00302_010117_1507101656182.xml  [latest]
./ARCZ00303_010117_1507101657147.xml  [latest]
./ARCZ00304_010117_1507101657249.xml  [latest]
./ARCZ00307_010117_1507101658940.xml  [latest]
./ARCZ00580_010117_1507101892930.xml  [latest]

Script has to pick latest file in all the filename patterns in the folder and it should compare and delete the duplicates.

Appreciate if you can help me with this logic.

Thanks much!

Maybe this would come closer to what you want:

ls -r *.xml | while read -r file
do      if [ "$last" = "${file%%_*}" ]
        then    echo rm "$file"
        else    last=${file%%_*}

If that gives you the list of files you want to remove, remove the echo shown in red and run the script again.