to extract specific values twice in a file

Hi Friends,

I have a file with the following values..


I would like to extract all the 2nd column values twice as shown in the example like

Please advice!!

In the formus one of our friends adviced me in fetching the 2nd column values

awk -F'[.|,]' '{print $3}' oldfile > newfile

Well, that awk script answers your question for the most part.

Play around a bit with that script (it doesn't bite), and you'll find the solution.

For example, check the token values - $1, $2, etc. Also see if you can print the same token value twice.


Or if you use perl, just use the split.

split ($col1,$col2) ",", $line;

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awk -F, '{split($NF,a,".");print a[1]FS$NF}' file

If you don't try to solve the problems yourself you'll never learn :rolleyes:

if its hard to follow split you can follow this..

awk -F"[,.]" '{print $3","$3"."$4}' filename
echo "xyz.txt,12345.xml" | sed 's/[^,]*,\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\1,\1/'

What is \1 used for , Just want to know, I am new to sed

The parentheses capture a substring in the matching expression. If there were more than 1 set, then other escapes could return those fields.

          Attempt to match regexp against the pattern space.  If successful, replace that portion matched with  replacement.   The  replacement may  contain  the special character & to refer to that portion of the pattern space which matched, and the special escapes \\1 through \\9 to refer to the corresponding matching sub-expressions in the regexp.