TO Extract Last 10 Characters from a line

Hi Guys!!!!!!!!!!!

How do we extract last 13 characters from a line




And the no of characters differs in each line..

Kindly help me out in this!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks in Advance

To print the last 13 characters of a line:

echo "$string" | awk '{print substr($0,length-12)}'

To get the last characters after the slash:

echo ${string##*/}

with basename:

basename "$string"

or with sed:

echo "$string" | sed 's_.*/__'


echo ".R1/new/sv902a.01.per" | sed 's/\(.*\)\(.\{13\}\)$/\2/'

summer_cherry has a nice solution but lacks readability.
just to prove there is more than one sulution

get the last 13 characters:
echo ".R1/new/sv902a.01.per" | rev | cut -b-13| rev

get the filename:
echo ${FOO##*/*/}

Shorter :rolleyes:

echo ${FOO##*/}