to extarct data points

suppose u have a file which consist of many data points separated by asterisk
Question is to extract third part in each line .

So output shud be like that

after 60+ posts, you should be able to attempt this yourself.
what have you got?

awk 'NR%1?$0=$1:$0=" "$1"\n"' ORS= FS="*" filename

thanks for bullying me

awk 'NR%1?$0=$1:$0=" "$3"\n"' ORS= FS="*" filename

Just another way.

awk -F"*" '{print $3}' filename

sorry if you think that way. You have started many before and gotten many tips about shell scripting such as this one. Also this question is very easily solved, so its not unreasonable to ask you to demonstrate what you have learnt so far.

Just for the record, you can also use cut

# cut -d"*" -f3 file