To cut a string based on last index of identifier

here below is sample string

null pointer dereference of 'resourceList' where null is returned from a method/opt/bld/fetch/ds/interzone/notification/
null pointer dereference of 'reList' where null is returned from a method/opt/bld/fetch/dunkindev6jbe4/src/com/ip/interzone/notification/

i want to cut based on last index of '/' identifier.

i tried

cat fileName.txt | awk '.java' '{print $1}' | cut -d'/' f5

but that would return only for partial since there are different number of '/' for each line.. so i need something to find last index of '/' and cut it and provide me only java file name

This will get you the filename:

sed -e 's#.*/##' -e 's/:.*//' inputfile

Or simply use grep:

grep -o [^/]*java inputfile
awk -F'[/:]' '{print $(NF-1)}' file
awk '{gsub(/.*\/|:.*/,"")}1' file