title bar manipulation in F-Secure SSH Client for Windows

Hello All,
I was wondering if the titlebar in "F-Secure SSH Client for Windows" is changeable. Currently I see the host name in the title bar. I would like to add "user@host" to the title. So when I log on to a particular box and do a ssh to another box the title should dynamically change to the new box indicating that I am currently logged onto a different box as whatever user. Is this possible.

Not too sure whether it'd work for F-Secure, but you could try putting something like this in your .profile (or other appropriate shell initialisation file) on each host you log in to.

echo "^[]0;`whoami`@`hostname`^G"

Where ^[ is created using Ctrl-V then Esc
and ^G is created using Ctrl-V Ctrl -G

If it works or not depends on your terminal emulator and terminal capabilities.


Excellent Sir, It worked. however when I shell out to another box or same box with different user it doesn't show the new information. So may be I should keep it in the .profile to make it work?

Excellent Sir, It worked. however when I shell out to another box or same box with different user it doesn't show the new information. So may be I should keep it in the .profile to make it work?