Tips to speed up Redhat linux machine

:confused:hi all,
I run a virtual RedHat Linux 4.0 ES machine using VMWARE.I've allocated a RAM of 512Mb.Could you please provide suggestions/tips to get my machine to run faster..

Thanks in advance:)

What performance problems do you have?

My machine is too slow.My application(the one I'm testing) takes too much time to load.Its the same with other operations too.Like opening a browser(firefox) .etc.Everything operation takes more than the expected time,so I thought If i could stop any of those unwanted process running to boost my machine's performance..

Any suggestion..??

Thanks in advance..

Well, to be honest, with 512MB ram you can't get real or close to the normal performance on vmware, I'm talking from experience. Add more ram to the machine, if possible, tweaks like disabling daemons and setting system parameters to a different values won't help much.

make sure you are using the video driver for vmware (comes with red hat)

make sure you isntalled the vmware addons

disable daemons like mysql, apache, ect
dont use gnome or kde, use fluxbox (this one is gona free up lots of mem)
dont use firefox if you can use links2 (the one with X support)