Tip: Ldom migration


� S7-2L Server Hardware Console Access
� Solaris 11.3 OS and LDOM Packages (Ex: 3.4)
� Setup IPS Repositories

Solaris 11 comes with Oracle VM server pre-installed if older version is there remove the old and install latest Oracle VM software (Ldom Manager pkg)

Install Latest Oracle VM software

Unzip Ldom_3.4.zip

cd LDoms-3_4-Integration-10/Install/

Check the restart the services if required.

svcs ldmd
svcs vntsd
ldm -V

Setup Control Domain and Domain Services.

ldm add-vcc port-range=5000-5100 primary-vcc0 primary
ldm add-vds primary-vds0 primary
ldm add-vsw net-dev=net0 primary-vsw0 primary
ldm set-vcpu 8 primary
ldm set-memory 8G primary
ldm start-reconf primary
ldm add-config primary-config

Configure Guest LDOM For orestes (Solaris 11)

ldm add-domain myldom01

Add CPU /Mem/Disk

ldm add-vcpu 8 myldom01
ldm add-memory 16g myldom01
ldm add-vdsdev /dev/rdsk/c0tx...  vol1@primary-vds0
ldm add-vdisk bootdisk-ldom01 vol1@primary-vds0 myldom01

if need to install new LDOM add iso in Guest ldom

ldm add-vdsdev options=ro /export/home/Oracle_Solaris_Text_SPARC_Large_Server.iso largeiso@primary-vds0
ldm add-vdisk largeiso largeiso@primary-vds0 myldom01
ldm set-variable auto-boot\?=false myldom01
ldm start myldom01

Add network

According to need Create Different Managmenet/ Backup /Data network
Setup Aggerigation and create vnic so we can assign network to our guest ldoms

dladm create-aggr -m data_network -l net0 -l net1 -l net2 aggr0
dladm create-aggr -m mgmt_network -l net3 -l net4 aggr1
dladm show-aggr

Solaris 10 servers Migration

Note: Solaris 10 physical server must be running with Solaris 10 10/11 update

We can use below options to migrate solaris 10 servers

1)create LDOM and migrate solaris 10
2) Migrate solcaris 10 as a branded zone

Create Flar of Global zone (Exclude data and zone file system)

flarcreate -S -n hostname -x /data -x  /export/zones/ -L cpio  /nfs_filesystem/hostname.flar

mount nfs mountpoint on solars 11 server where we have flar

Create the zone's configuration for solaris 10 with zonecfg command

Install the zone

zoneadm -z hosrname install -a /nfs/hostname.flar -u

Solaris 11 Server Migration Create a Recovery Archive

Creating a Unified Archive

archiveadm create -D ips_repo -r /var/tmp/hostrecovery.uar
archiveadm info -v 

Creating an iso Image and attached with Solaris 11 Guest ldom and Build the server

archiveadm create-media -f /var/tmp/hostrecovery.uar

I guess this is a tip, certainly useful.
It's more expert level than beginner.
So I have moved this to the Solaris forum, and prefixed the Title with "tip:".
A tip from my side: if you wrap the shell commands in code tages it becomes more readable.