Time taking for cfgmgr on dual VIO


From the man page, cfgmgr configures devices and optionally installs device software by running the programs specified in the Configuration Rules object class and it is not dependent on platform [standalone/VIO].

Are there any fundamental differences impacting the speed of cfgmgr on a stand-alone and dual VIO server?

On VIO server cfgmgr is taking more time to compare with stand-alone machine.

Thanks for yours suggestions and help.

Clearly the "speed" of the machine and the amount of "stuff" to configure will have a profound effect.

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I agree with dukessd. The next step is to figure out how long it takes for all the devices and see if it's hanging on a particular one. If you're using dual vios with the same configuration you could perhaps compare the two...do a

to observe the process.

shows cfg logs from previous runs.

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Thanks for your quick replies,

We are using few /usr/lib/methods in cfgmgr and they are little slow on VIO.

Many thanks.

/usr/lib/methods is just a directory path...what methods are slow, do

cfgmgr -v


Its our custom method under /usr/lib/methods which is taking time to execute and now we are done with that change.

Thanks for your help.