time function


   I would like to display the exact time taken to complete running a particular tool or function or program to user

   I don't know the exact time functions in unix, please help me

 thanks in advance

    output should be
    The time taken to execute the test.ksh file is 00.30.00 seconds
time test.ksh

hi anbu,

    the code 
 time test.ksh
    is working when i am executing my file from command line, but i want to include the code inside my code, how can i achieve that one.

create a string that forms the command as run in command line,

char command[50];
sprintf(command, "time %s", commandtorun);

and you have to run this " command " with " popen "
which would execute and you have would have execution time in the pipe, which you need to parse it and display! :slight_smile:

Just a pointer !
If you need more explanations, shoot ! :slight_smile:

hi matrixmadhan,

 thanks for your reply,

 the code
     char command[50];
sprintf(command, "time %s", commandtorun);
I think code which u have given will not work in ksh program. can u send me the code relavent to ksh


do you want to experiment that with the shell - command line or in a code ?

am not clear about that!

If that is in a code, use what I had specified
if not, to be used in a shell, you can use


post your specific requirement! :slight_smile:

Hi matrixmadhan,

 thanks for your quick reply,

 my requirement is 

    echo "Enter i value"
      read i
      while [ $n -eq $i ]
          echo $i
          i=`expr $i + 1`
 let's assume that for the first time, i have given 50 as i value, so while loop will execute for 50 times and atlast the program have to display the actual time taken to complete program to execute \(this one i want for performance\) this program i have written in ksh

I think u got my requirement, i have write the time function in side the code only

and this,

#! /bin/zsh


read n < /dev/tty

start=`date '+%s'`
while [ $i -le $n ]
  i=$(($i + 1))

echo "diff is $((`date '+%s'` - $start)) second(s)"

exit 0

thanks madan, the code which u have given is working...thanxs a lot

$ cat /tmp/time.ksh
let i=0
while [[ i -le 1000 ]] ; do
echo $i
echo "This has taken $SECONDS to complete"

SECONDS holds the number seconds since the shell was invocated.But this may not provide microseconds resolutions.

Nagaraj G

I dont think you could block the amount of time taken to execute within blocks within a code,

as posted by the OP,

read operation might take a subtle amount of time to pass on the value for the for loop where the effective time taken is calculated.
