The Way Systemd Handles System Calls

Hi everyone, I have a question about the process management, and deep level system functionality of system calls between SystemD and SystemV? Does SystemD use the same system calls (fork(), exec(), bind() etc...) as SystemV? or Vice Versa? If they both use the same or very very similar sys calls, do they handle them the same way? If a sys call is made in systemd, is it generally handled the same way on sysv? I know SystemD uses unit files for processes now, do these come into effect with system calls? Or are the differences between SystemV and SystemD more "higher level" than the low kernel level sys calls?

There seems to be very little in common between UNIX System V (an operating environment consisting of a kernel, lots of utilities, and lots of libraries) and systemd (which runs on most Linux systems and seems to be roughly equivalent to the UNIX System V init utility).

See Systemd in Wikipedia.

Yes, systemd not being a kernel doesn't handle system calls in the first place.